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Recklessly Alive
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Recklessly Alive

What My Suicide Attempt Taught Me About God & Living Life to the Fullest

What Readers are Saying

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Recklessly Alive Book Review
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Every 12.3 minutes someone completes suicide, and I was almost one of them. I had written letters, picked a day, and packed up all my belongings because I believed my life was worthless and disposable.


What lies ahead of you is my journey from suicide attempt toward abundant life. I share it with you in hopes that you can see yourself or someone you love in my story and find the courage to start conversations about faith, mental health, depression, and suicide.




About the Book


I am not a pastor, a deep-sea diver, an Avenger, or a mongoose whisperer. I have never sawed off my own arm, had my hand digested by a shark, or experienced any other amazing feat of humanity. I am just an average guy who found his world slipping away and—in a moment of extreme clarity—made the terrifying decision to stay and chase a life that is fully and recklessly alive.




About the Author


Sam Eaton is a powerful voice for his generation as an innovative ministry leader and sought-after communicator. In 2016, after losing five people to suicide in his hometown, he founded Recklessly Alive (, an organization sprinting toward a world with zero deaths from suicide. He speaks throughout the U.S. and encourages everyone he meets to chase a life that is fully and recklessly alive.


Sam has a master’s degree in educational leadership and has taught music in the public schools for over ten years. He is on a lifelong quest to love God, love people, expand his vinyl record collection, and try every flavor of Oreos.

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