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Writer's pictureSam Eaton

10 Sermons that Changed My Life

Never in human history has it been easier to hear and learn about the life God is calling us to. There are millions of hours of sermons right at our fingertips! Can I get a “What, What?!”


I can’t pull off the what-what’s, can I?

I have been a little bit of a church sabatical lately. I mean I’m not totally A-WOL – I’m still reading my bible, worshiping, and listening to sermons – I just needed some time away (which I think is healthy). This week I compiled of list of 10 Sermons that have really moved me since coming back to church 5 years ago. They include a wide range of speakers from young people like Jefferson Bethke to the great Billy Graham!

Disclaimer: The sermons are snapshots of preaching that I connected with. I do not endorse everything that they have ever said. I do, however, endorse Aldi Orange Dark chocolate. That stuff is magical.

Billy Graham – Who is Jesus?

The most influential American pastor, Billy Graham, has hundreds of sermon videos scattered across the interwebs from the last 50 years. His passionate sermons are as powerful today as they were when they were first spoken (this one is from 1971). If you’re wondering at all what this whole Jesus thing is about, give this a chance. It could change your entire life.

“Everything we do is by faith. Take the same faith and put it in Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and you will know who Jesus is. He comes into your life and into your heart and you know he is who he claims to be.”

Nick Vujicic – Life Without Limbs

If you’ve never heard of Nick Vujicic, prepared to be blown away. Viewed over 1.4 million times, Nick’s sermon, “Life Without Limbs” is an incredible mix of humor and power, truth and challenges. Make time this week to listen to Nick, you won’t regret it.

“When God doesn’t give you a miracle, you are a miracle.”

Francis & Lisa Chan – Christ-Centered Relationships

I have watched this sermon at least 5 times in my life. The first time I watched it many years ago, I had no image of what I wanted my marriage to look like and first started to believe it was possible when I watched this.

Lisa & Francis’s authentic and inspiring guidance on marriage is some of the best I’ve ever heard. If you ever hope to be in a relationship or be married, take a few listens to this one (Bonus: It’s part of a series if you would like extra credit points).

“Our first love is not to be for our husbands [or wives], we need to love God and everything else will flow out of that.”

Mark Driscoll on Manhood

I know there are a lot of Mark Driscoll haters out there, but I will always be unbelievably thankful for this man and his teaching about manhood. Growing up without a father, I looked to my friends and the culture for my definition of masculinity. This sermon is for men and women and is essential to help take back manhood from this messed up world.

“You men are the glory of God. God wants his glory to shine through you. God wants his kingdom to be made visible through you. God wants you to be his sons. God wants you to follow by the power of the holy spirit to follow in the example of Jesus and in the example of John.” [Check out my post 6 Essential Qualities of a Real Man]

Christine Caine – The Courage to Let Go of Your Past

2 years ago I had the honor of hearing Christine speak at a Christian Music Festival I was chaperoning with our youth group guys and I was captivated by what God is doing and has done through this amazing woman. I highly recommend many of her sermons but this one has been especially moving in my story of letting go of the pain of my past.

“Denial is not forgetting your past. Running away from your past is not forgetting your past. Pretending that your past didn’t happen is not forgetting your past… at some point there has to be a conscious decision where I’m going to face my past and let go of it to lay a hold of the future Jesus has for me.”

Jefferson Bethke – My Heart Behind ‘Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus

4 years ago, Jefferson took the world by storm with his 4 minute spoken word video entitled, “Why I Hate Religion But Love Jesus.” In this sermon, Mr. Bethke preaches the truth behind his viral video. In his talk, he challenges everyone to ask themselves if a series of questions about Religion vs. Jesus to challenge how we live our lives as Christians. He needs the sermon by taking questions from the audience.

“Religion ends in pride or despair, Jesus ends in humble, confident joy.”

Rick Warren – A Life of Purpose

Okay, okay before you cry heretic, this isn’t your typical sermon. It’s actually a TED Talk (which I am obsessed with). In many ways it is even more important than a church sermon since he is giving it in a secular arena filled with some of the brightest minds around.

You might have heard of a little book called the Purpose Driven Life which has sold over 30 million copies. In this sermon, Rick shares that none of are an accident and pushes us towards finding out why we are hear and chasing it with all our hearts. After you check out this video, pick up a copy of this book here. Maybe it will change your life.

“What are you going to do with what you’ve been given? What’s in your hand? What do you have that you’ve been given –  talent, background, education, freedom, networks, opportunities, wealth, ideas, creativity – what are you doing with what you have been given?”

Joyce Meyer – The Power of Gratitude

I know not everyone is a fan of Joyce, yet I do think she has great things to say in this sermon. I saw this last fall when I was focusing crazy hard on ridding my life of any smidge of complaining and it really hit home. It can be so hard to be thankful in this culture that is constantly trying to convince us we are not enough and it’s all a lie.

“True love for God is not just going to church on a weekly basis, it’s not just saying I love God but one who truly loves God is going to have affectionate reverence – an honoring attitude towards God.”

Robert Madu – Running the Race God Has Set Before Us

Robert’s relatable and hilarious preaching style makes listening to him joyful and fun. I first saw this sermon last year when I was really struggling with my identity.

“Everything you need to do what He called you do it is already in you. If you were supposed to be taller, he would have made you taller. If you were supposed to be faster, he would have made you faster… stop complaining about the things God didn’t give you

Dave Johnson – A Journey of the Heart

I couldn’t have this series without including a sermon series from my own church, Church of the Open Door in Maple Grove Minnesota. Five years ago when I was more lost than I had ever been in my whole life, I wandered into this unbelievable church practically by accident. I almost didn’t get out of the car. During the worship I was completely uncomfortable and almost left, but I stayed. A few minutes into the sermon, I started crying and didn’t stop. I came back the next week and cried again and again. This church has completely changed me and formed me into the person I was meant to be.

This sermon series on the Way of the Heart is one of my favorites. You can also check out the other sermon series from our church here.

What did you think of these sermons? Do you have any that you would add to this list? Leave them in the comments below!


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These songs and more can be found in my Spotify Music Playlists.

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