“Who’s the genius who decided to do road construction on all three parallel southbound highways causing a massive traffic jam for me each morning?” I screamed while screeching into my parking space at work while bitterness steamed out of my ears.
“An hour to get to work! It’s ABSURD. I might as well take a horse and carriage!”

So maybe there was a little too much of the Duchess from Downton Abbey in me that day.
On paper I am so embarrassed by my #firstworldentitlement. But the struggle is real people. After a few frustrating weeks, an invitation started to break through my anger.
How could you use this time better? Could this be a (gasp) opportunity?
I loaded up my playlists with worship music, audio books and podcasts. Suddenly, built into my day was almost two hours of time to spend with God and read the books I never quite get around to. 1 point for optimistic Sam.
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I happen to think Podcasts are the greatest thing in the world… I’m a little obsessed. My all-time favorites include The Moth Podcast and Stuff You Missed in History Class but today I am sharing 15 of my favorite Christian Podcasts in hopes to inspire you to choose more positivity and less “wah, wah, wah!” about the wasted time in your day.

[If you’re looking for an awesome way to engage with Christian Podcasts, definitely check out the FaithPlay app. I LOVE it]

Pray as You Go (Prayer, Scripture)
Pray-as-you-go brings together music, a passage of scripture and a few questions for personal reflection in a 10-13 minute prayer session every day! Not to mention, it’s all spoken in a British accent which will make you feel instantly more sophisticated! Check it out here:
Daily Audio Bible – (Scripture)
If you often feel like you don’t have time to get into the Word, this can be an awesome resource. Each day includes passages from both the new and old testament as well as a Psalm. I have been listening to Brian and this podcast for many years and love it so very much!
Eaglebrook Church – (Sermons)
Quickly becoming one of the largest churches in America, there is something unbelievably refreshing about the sermons of this beautiful church and with over 30,000 people attending every week at their 7 campuses and online, it won’t take you long to figure out why.
Relevant Podcast – (Music and Interviews)
The Relevant Podcast is an offshoot of Relevant Magazine – one of my favorite publications. The hosts are hilarious and light hearted. They interview big names in the Christian world from Lecrae to Rick Warren to Jefferson Bethke. The episodes are long, sometimes up to 2 hours, but so fun and encouraging.
The Good Word with Steve Weins – (Christian Life)
Steve has an unbelievable ability to notice the divine in everyday moments. From light-hearted stories about his family to in-depth talk about masculinity and femininity, Steve’s Podcast – The Good Word – is like listening to a good friend or mentor encourage you right where you are. I couldn’t love this podcast more.
Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman – (Relationships)
Gary Chapman is that guy who wrote that crazy and life-changing Love Languages book that should be required reading for all humans who interact with other humans. I love this relationships-focused podcast that covers every area of life from friendships to dating to family.
Guys Like Us Podcast by Tyler Brondyk (Interviews)
I grew up without any strong, male role models in my life and I found myself having to fend through our culture to discover what masculinity looks like. Since committing myself to Jesus 7 years ago, my entire views on how to be a man have completely changed.
The Guys Like Us Podcast is one of my absolute favorites and I certainly don’t think it’s exclusively for guys. Ladies, if you’re wondering what true manhood looks like, these are amazing interviews by great guys from all walks of life and all age groups. I was super honored to be a guest and you can listen to that episode here.
Church of the Open Door with Dave Johnson – (Sermons)
The mission statement of this church is to pursue the struggle of becoming fully alive in God and I love that! It’s the first time in my life I’ve heard a church describe faith as a struggle. Their series called “The Way of the Heart,” changed my life.
Proverb 31 Ministries – (Inspiration)
This one was recommended for this list by a one of my best female friends. All the episodes are just 1 minute long and provide a immediate injection of faith and hope around a number of topics from contentment to chaotic schedules.
Mark Driscoll Audio – (Sermons)
Mark Driscoll became a controversial name a few years ago when he was asked to step down as the founding pastor of Mars Hill church. While a number of people were quick to turn on Mark, his he has had more influence on my life and my view of masculinity than any other person on the planet. He is a crazy gifted speaker and teacher.
Crazy Love Podcast with Francis Chan – (Sermons)
Francis Chan is just the man. I admire this guy maybe more than anyone and love his unrelenting message that we are here to go to extremes to love people. This podcast is a continuation of his best selling book “Crazy Love.” While it hasn’t been updated since January 2016, it is a great resource!
Louie Giglio – (Sermons)
For a long time, Louie has been a featured speaker at Chris Tomlin’s concerts. His messages are also often featured on the Air1 Radio Station. This podcast are his messages from Passion City Church.
Max Lucado – (Inspiration)
Max is one of my favorite authors of all-time so it should be no surprise that his podcast is fantastic! This is another podcast where all the episodes are just 1 minute long and super inspirational!
Ask John with John Piper – (Christian Life)
Another one of my all-time favorites, John Piper explores the tough questions of faith like, “how do you pray in public without performing” and “Can we overthink the Christian Life?”. I love how John explores these difficult ideas and provides deep thought all while challenging us to answer the questions for ourselves.
Poddy Break with Tim Hawkins – (Comedy)
Tim Hawkins is a hilarious comedian who is both family-friendly, and ridiculously fantastic. This podcast is mostly just Tim talking about a number of topics with fellow comedians, friends and sometimes, random passersby. Lighthearted and entertaining, this weekly podcast always makes me happier.
Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast – (Leadership)
A few years ago I became obsessed with learning about leadership, so much so that I completed my Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership. I first got to know Craig through his book, “Weird: Because Normal Isn’t Working.” This podcast is a conversation designed to help you make the most of your otential as you work to become the leader God created you to be. Each episode is around 20 minutes and is updated once or twice a month.
Do you have any favorite podcasts that didn’t make the list? Have you listened to these before? Let me know in the comments section below!

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Not feeling the podcasts today? Check out my Spotify Music Playlists including these songs:
Shocked that you’re recommending Mark Driscoll. His toxic brand of abusive preaching could not be further away from the love of Christ.