My feet dragged across the pavement as I shuffled out of my car and headed for the mailbox after an exhausting day of teaching music to my elementary kiddos. I love my job, but sometimes I wonder if any human alive actually has enough energy to enthusiastically and patiently instruct thirty-two wonderful, boisterous, and lovably needy children.
As I cycled through the stack of envelopes and Arby’s ads crammed into my dirty plastic mailbox, my eyes gazed on a pristine white envelope. As I turned it over, the gold calligraphy sneered up at me: Mr. Sam Eaton & Guest.
I, like Jack Sparrow, love a great wedding! Who doesn’t? Yet, there on the cover of that envelope is a truth that I don’t love confronting – I don’t have a plus one yet.
Today I wanted to do something to encourage you my single friends. You are not alone in your struggle with wishing you were at a different place in life.
So without further adieu here are some of my favorite posts on Singleness by both men and women, younger people and a little more experienced all who have given a beautiful and inspiring perspective on life without a +1.
9 Encouraging Articles For You My Single Friend

*Includes a list of great book suggestions for singles
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So there you have it my friend. Whatever you’re struggling with I hope you know that God is not punishing you. The fact that you are single does not define you or reflect our Father’s incredible love for you. It’s part of your journey and your story and always trust that God will use all things for good.
Featured in my music playlist, “Recklessly Alive.”
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