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TANDEM CREATIVE – Meet Our Ministry Partners

People, this whole blog thing is getting real.

A few weeks ago I launched an advertising page and this week I am ecstatic to introduce the first Recklessly Alive Ministry Partners:


Tell us about your Company and what you do!

We are a creative agency using photography, film, graphic design and written storytelling to create materials for businesses, nonprofits and individuals. Our work captures the character of our clients in order for others to understand, relate, connect and respond to their story.

What made you want to start your own company?

Kari – Starting my own company was a bit of a surprise. When I ventured into chasing my dreams, that wasn’t even on my radar. Instead, I was trying to explore the things that gave me life and the gifts that God placed within me. Slowly, over time, as I made space to pursue the things that gave me life, I realized that maybe starting my own business was what was next.

Katrina – For me, life after college was a string of jobs that paid the bills but left me feeling restless and unsatisfied. I wanted to get into something more creative but felt stuck. A transition to part-time employment gave me room to explore what really made me excited and helped me find my focus in design work.

In the midst of our personal journeys, we met each other and connected over the pursuit of finding our callings and the risks we were taking to get there. We started painting and doing artsy things together, and a couple of years later that evolved into a friendship and business partnership.

Where have you seen God while starting your own business?

At the very beginning, we both sat down and individually wrote out goals for the business. When we shared those goals with each other, it was incredible to see how many of those goals were either the same as each other or very complimentary. That was one of the many moments that God confirmed we were on the right path and that we were supposed to be doing this together.

We’ve seen God in the connections we’ve been able to make with fellow creatives and potential clients, and have been continually reminded of His goodness in the community that supports our work and is cheering us on.

If Tandem Creative was a movie, which one would it be and why?

Clearly, Mean Girls. Tandem is Cady Heron. Our dream business is Aaron Samuels. Now all we have to do is defeat Regina George (aka our fears, setbacks, insecurities) to get there. Thankfully we have really cool mentors (similar to Tina Fey) to help get us there.

What’s your favorite office snack?

Do we have to pick just one? We love popcorn + Parmesan and dark chocolate + almonds + sea salt. At Tandem, happy hours on Friday are definitely encouraged.

What advice do you have for people who are chasing their big life dreams?

Do it! Really, what’s the worst case scenario that will happen? The fear will always be present, day one or day 451, and whether or not that big life dream of yours works out in the end, you’ll have chased it, and grown and changed because of it. Don’t be afraid to lean into what God is calling you to do, even if it seems hard.

Get your community excited about your dream too. You are not in this life alone, and having people who will love you whether you succeed or fail will ultimately make chasing that dream a lot easier and more fulfilling.

What are some examples of projects you have worked on?

We’ve gotten to work on a wide variety of projects, ranging from printed postcards and brochures to a short film about Advent. We like the challenge of really listening to clients’ stories and then creating a quality product that reflects that. Click here to check out our portfolio.

How can readers contact you to discuss working with you?

You can find us over at We’d love to work on a project together!

Also, come hang out with us on social media!



I couldn’t ask for a more incredible first ministry partner! They are two of the greatest people you could work with. For real. Interested in advertising with Recklessly Alive? Check out my ADVERTISE page and pass it along to anyone you know who might be interested in partnering with me on this crazy ministry adventure of mine.

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