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Writer's pictureSam Eaton

6 Reasons To Go Where You Feel Most Inferior (on LoudSummit.Com)

There are a lot of unexpected side effects to starting your own grass roots, no-idea-where-this-thing-is-going ministry.

One of the greatest benefits: all of the inspiring people I’ve met along the way. The people who get it, who three bites into a tuna melt we both know we’re on the same team. [Check out the others on my Tribe page]

That’s the story of my friend Colleen Batchelder, founder and visionary of the Loud Summit—an organization that exists to “engage, empower and equip this generation to change the world and be a light of hope.”

As you can imagine, Colleen and I have LOTS to talk about.

This week I am excited to share with you a post I wrote for the Loud Summit blog, 6 Reasons To Go Where You Feel Most Inferior… a post I wrote in an airport on the way to speaking at an amazing conference in Atlanta where I felt… inferior to the other speakers. Leave a comment below of a time you’ve felt inferior or a place you’ve been afraid to press into.

I pried one eye open as my vindictive alarm clock screamed at an unruly 4:46 am that it was day one of what these crazy people call, “Crossfit.”

While I finished a marathon once (and never again!) and have generally lived a healthy lifestyle, it’s no secret these Crossfit people are on another planet of intensity and dedication.

“If you played sports in high school, you’ll pick up the lifts again pretty quick,” one member said in my first week. While, in high school, I bagged groceries and destroyed computer-generated alien races… so…

“Cool,” I said out loud, moderately terrified about what I’d gotten myself into.

Despite my serious lack of knowledge or coordination, I pressed into my inferiority with a smile. I looked at the status quo of my life, threw back the covers, and stepped into the cold unknown.

Why? Because I wanted to be a better athlete. I wanted to be a part of this community that loved to work hard. I wanted to be around these people who could motivate me and challenge me to lift heavier things than I ever would in a room by myself.

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Following a suicide attempt in my early twenties, I realized I’d spent most of my life afraid of the world, afraid to try or risk, afraid to chase the life I dreamed of living. Over time, I discovered this truth:

Put yourself in situations where you are the least knowledgeable person in the room. Push yourself towards the things that terrify you the most. And, along the way, find people who are going to push you to be the best version of yourself.

And in case you’re still not convinced, here are 6 reasons to go where you feel most inferior.

Click this link below to read the full post over on the Loud Summit Blog.

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