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How Can I Help Project Days 12-18

Wondering what the heck this is all about? Visit my original post here to learn more about the #HowCanIHelpProject. You can also see who I helped on Days 1 -5 here or Days 6-11 here. Follow me on Instgram @aliverecklessly or Twitter @aliverecklessly to see my daily progress.

It’s hard to believe that the month is winding down already! I am just in awe how many people I have met and interacted with this month. It feels incredible to be able to make someone’s day a little lighter and in the mean time, spread God’s love to the places it is needed most. I am starting to feel tired from the go-go-go nature of this project yet, I honestly don’t want it to end. I have been wrestling with extending it through May yet I am not sure if I can honestly sustain another month of every single day. For now, I’ll just keeping trying to change the world and let future Sam deal with that problem.

Day 12 – Sunday, April 12th


When I started this project I decided to leave one day a week unplanned to just (somewhat) spontaneously help someone. On Sunday after church I decided to go hangout with my sister and nephew. I ended up bringing them lunch and then watching Decker for a few hours while my sister finished up some homework. Bre has a new baby and is finishing her degree! She is an incredible mom and I am so proud of her! I can’t wait to spend Fridays with this little (and moderately smelly) munchkin this summer!

Day 13 – Monday, April 13th

Before I even launched this project I was worried about being too busy and over-scheduling my life – it’s been known to happen. Monday night I came home from work to a quiet house and simply relaxed. I am in the midst of fundraising for a Haiti mission trip this June and hadn’t even gotten my letters out yet. (Yikes!)

Monday night I spent over 2 hours sending out the first 30 messages. I am also playing in a Haiti benefit concert at the end of May to raise money and needed to spend some time practicing the music. This “help” will be fully realized while on the trip from June 8-18.


Day 14 – Tuesday, April 14th

Tuesday is by far my craziest day of the week. I have a before school choir of 80 kids, I have 5 hours of students during the day and then a different choir after school of 67 from a bunch of different schools. At night, I head to my small group (which I love). I got home at 10:30pm and I collapsed into bed. I briefly thought about not posting anything or helping anyone.

Suddenly I bolted up – I was going to help someone gosh darnit! I got out a paper and pen to write a letter to my sponsor kid from India, Chandan. I have been supporting him for almost 3 years and I LOVE to receive his letters in the mail.

One of the biggest things I have learned in this project is that it truly doesn’t take much to make a huge impact on someone’s life. To sponsor your own child and change his/her life forever, visit


Day 15 – Wednesday, April 15

4 years ago ago I had just started teaching 5th and 6th grade Sunday school at my new church when I found myself on a yellow school bus cruising down the highway to a “ropes course” for the day. Sitting behind me were two 6th grade boys. One quiet. One not-so-quiet. Equally hilarious. From that day on, my life would never be the same.

The next year through our Next Gen mentoring program, I officially became their mentor. As another year comes to an end, it’s hard to believe what a huge part of my life they have become. We have spent almost every Wednesday night together yet it is always one of my favorite parts of the week. The inside jokes, the secret handshakes, the crazy adventures and the real conversations are all just a part of our sweet friendship. Yup, seriously love these guys.


Day 16 – Thursday, April 16

This has been on my heart for many years, but on Thursday I officially joined the national bone marrow registry. It is a serious decision as it can be a painful procedure with a longer recovery time. It is completely free to the donor (besides missed time at work). Yet, if I can be a part of saving someone’s life, I am totally in. Visit to check it out for yourself.

Day 17 – Friday, April 17

I try once a month to host an event at my house and send out an open invite to anyone who wants to come. I love to be a part of building community in this world of technology and disconnection. Friday was crazy beautiful outside – 73 and sunny! Over 20 people came to play lawn games and roast s’mores around a roaring bonfire. The night glistened with laughter as all got to unwind from a long, hard week.

I went to sleep in awe of all the incredible people I get to spend my life with. I am so blessed.

Day 18 – Saturday, April 18

I honestly am not sure when I officially met my incredible friend Jaime. Our lives were infinitely intertwined in high school, both in activities, lunchtimes and inside jokes. Post high school, she and Christina drove three hours to visit me at Luther. A few years alter, I flew out to visit them in Utah.

She is simply one of those people that everyone deserves to have in their life, but I am lucky enough to actually have. She is always supportive of my crazy dreams and believes in me at every turn.

On Saturday I got to help her and her husband Dave move into a new apartment! It was sweaty and there were lots of heavy things to lift, but it went by super quick and I loved getting to hang out with my dear friends. I am so blessed to know them and will always help them any way that I can!


Is there any way that I can help you? Please shoot me a message!

One of my dear friends has decided to join me and start her own #howcanIhelpproject! I would be so thankful if you would share my video or posts to help get the word out and inspire other people to take action in their communities.

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