Wondering what the heck this is all about? Visit my original post here to learn more about this crazy thing I invented called the #HowCanIHelpProject. You can also see who I helped on Days 1 -5, Days 6-11, or Days 12-18. Subscribe on the right hand side to get my posts by email! Follow me on Instgram @aliverecklessly or Twitter @aliverecklessly to see my daily progress.
Day 19 – Sunday, April 19th

Perhaps my favorite day so far. I got an email from a single mom of three girls who needed a break and asked if I could babysit for a few hours. With help from an amazing old friend Amy, we got to spend the whole afternoon laughing, swinging, coloring, and wiping a few tears with our new friends. They are amazing girls – so bright and full of love. I am hoping to go back soon and hang out with them again!
Before we left the oldest kept asking are you free next weekend? How about the weekend after that?
Day 20 – Monday, April 20th

Every other Monday night I help lead a small group of some pretty incredible high schoolers. Lately we’ve been talking about identity and taking off the masks we wear in order to find the person God made us to be. Only one more year until many of them graduate!
Day 21 – Tuesday, April 21th

Tuesday night I brought dinner for my small group of pulled chicken, carrots, chips and juice! I love to cook and I loved being able to bless them with a warm meal before we talk about the Holy Spirit and pray together.
Day 22 – Wednesday, April 22

Wednesday night was our “closing conversation” at mentoring with the two 9th grade boys I hangout with every Wednesday night. It’s not always easy to say thank you and how much someone means to you, yet we had an awesome conversation about our past 3 years together and the next few to come.
Day 23 – Thursday, April 23

For my 2nd grade music program, we performed a mini-musical based on the folk tale Stone Soup where the weary travelers “convince” the townspeople to share their food. Along with my good friend who teaches gym, we coordinated a week long food drive for our local food shelf. We collected over 2,000 items for people in need. I was blown away by the students generosity and willingness to help those around them!
Day 24 – Friday, April 24

Friday night after the music program I drove to the city to help my friend David clean out his old place and move all his stuff into my house! (He broke his wrist a few months ago and can’t lift much). I am so excited to have him around. He is such a happy and awesome guy.
Day 25 – Saturday, April 25

I almost didn’t post this because there’s definitely a stigma around counseling. I wasn’t super excited to go but also have known for awhile that it is something I’ve wanted to try. I know it’s not going to be easy but I am so excited to see the healing God will bring through this season.
I was lucky that I found an awesome Christian counselor who I connected with right away. If you’ve ever thought about it, I can’t encourage you enough to give it a chance. What do you have to lose?
One of my dear friends has decided to join me and start her own #howcanIhelpproject! I would be so thankful if you would share my video or posts to help get the word out and inspire other people to take action in their communities.
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