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East Coast Speaking Tour – August 14-26, 2017

Writer's picture: Sam EatonSam Eaton

Please don’t hold me up at the model Jesus-Follower. Some days I am a total mess. Okay a lot of days. Okay pretty much all the time.

I don’t have all the answers and I am insanely skeptical of anyone who claims to. The truth is:

We’re all on our own journey with God and He will meet us exactly where we’re at.

For so long I judged my faith based on how often I screwed up. My view of God was rooted in the less-than-ideal earthly men of my childhood—distant, quick to anger, never acknowledging my hard work and accomplishments.

Lately, that distorted view of God has been shifting in a beautiful way. God is teaching me to focus on the good, focus on the people I’ve been able to serve and help.

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Maybe that looks like going back to church after years away. Maybe that is volunteering to help someone in need. Maybe that’s playing with your kids for a few hours. Maybe that’s reading your bible or listening to a sermon.

For me, it started with a simple yes to teach 5th and 6th grade Sunday Schoolers 6 years ago. Then a yes to adding Middle Schoolers, High Schoolers, mentoring, a small group, a Young Adults Group, a short-term Mission to Zimbabwe and Haiti, starting a blog, doing crazy things like the How Can I Help Project and my 26 Random Acts of Kindess. Eventually to start writing a book and launching my own ministry.

In a line, it seems like a lot. In the moment it’s just one small yes. Followed by another.

We can talk theology and church politics until the seven horses of the apocolypse come home, but I think the essence of faith is simple: wake up everyday and give God one small yes.

What God opportunity might you be able to say yes to today?

This is my next yes:

Here are the deets:

Starting August 14th, I’ll be speaking at least 7 times in 4 states across 2,800 miles.

8/14/17 –  Teens, Depression & Suicide: What to Look for & What We Can Do to Save Lives – First Baptist Church, Stryker, OH – 7pm 8/18/17 – Youth Group Event – Queens Herald Church, Queens, NY – (closed to the public).* 8/19/17 –  Choose to Live: The Day Suicide Didn’t Win – 6pm – Throop Civic Center – 500 Sanderson St, Throop, PA 18512 8/20/17 – Choose to Live: The Day Suicide Didn’t Win 10:30am and 6:30pm – Rescue and Restore Church – Church Services – 125 Lackawanna Avenue Olyphant, Pennsylvania, PA 18447 8/22/17 – Choose to Live: The Day Suicide Didn’t Win – 7pm – Nokomis, IL –First Baptist Church Of Nokomis – 211 E South St, Nokomis, Illinois 62075 8/23/17 – Choose to Live: The Day Suicide Didn’t Win -7pm – Hillsboro, IL Hillsboro High School (Illinois) – 522 E Tremont St, Hillsboro, Illinois 620498/22/17 – Youth Group Event – Nokomis, IL

*All events are open to the public unless noted.

Make sure you’re following me on Instagram and like the Recklesly Alive Facebook Page for updates from the road! I’ll definitely share a post of stories from the road when I get back.

Please keep me in your prayers these next few weeks as I prepare to leave. I would especially appreciate emails or notes of encouragement as I anticipate this trip is going to stretch me in difficult and wonderful ways. [I would love to come speak to your community! Check out my Speaking Page where you can fill out a request form.]

Finally, last night I held my first ever Facebook Live event! It was actually really fun and not nearly as scary as I expected. Thanks to everyone who made time to hang out. If you missed it, here’s the replay!

The greatest Facebook Live from a Methodist Church basement ever… probably! Sam Eaton shares about the history and future of Recklessly Alive Ministries as well as an exciting announcement! (The announcement happens at 18:10) Posted by Sam Eaton on Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Thank you for all your prayers and support as I prepare for the tour.


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